Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who am I?

Who am I?
Well, you're probably wondering what this blog is about...Well so am I. I've never blogged before, but I thought it was about time. I've got a lot of opinions and I figured I would voice them.

I'd like to say a little bit about myself. I would consider myself an average woman. I'm a bit overweight, I'm a bit under active, I watch a bit too many movies, and I love it!

I guess I am here to give advice, what movies to watch, what hair cair products to use, what acne remedies work the best, what television shows in the fall line up might actually be worth watching. As I always say I am a wealth of useless knowledge, but out there someone has to be asking these useless questions.

I'd say I'm a woman of the world, well versed in knowledge that not everyone knows. Here's one for you? Did you know that Marilyn Monroe wasn't just a dumb blonde, she had an IQ of 168. She was by definition a genius. But as some may know, being a genius comes with a price. Most people with a genius IQ suffer from some form of mental illness. I myself have a genius IQ while suffering from Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. So I may be a genius, but my short attention span keeps me from working to my full potential. Marilyn Monroe came from a long line of women with mental illnesses. She was raised by her paternal aunt and an orphanage. Upon her death, her library with over 400 books, all containing her notes on subjects from gardening to psychology, was discovered.

Another interesting fact aimed towards those interested in the film industry: in the world of film lighting one of a gaffer's most important tools is a clothespin, also known as a C47. Why might you ask are clothespins called C47's. Well back in the Golden Age of Hollywood the studio executives were very particular, every expense had to be accounted for as a necessity. Well, studio executives would not pay for clothespins for a film shoot. So the name C47, based of the product serial number still used today, was taken to make the lighting necessity sound more official.

Well, this is me...your humble average american woman...Deirdre Heart <3

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